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PHM School Board REHIRES band coach who had naked penises on social media feed

Redacted picture from the Twitter feed of Penn High School Color Guard Choreography Director Andrew Mroczek

MISHAWAKA, Ind. — Despite vocal concerns from parents and members of the community, the Penn Harris Madison Board of School Trustees rehired the Penn High School Color Guard Choreography Director who had a social media feed full of naked men. The social media feed also had several posts regarding politics and Penn High School mixed in throughout. Five members voted in favor of rehiring the marching band coach on Monday night. Only James Garret voted against it. One other member abstained from voting.

REAL News Michiana published a story about Andrew “Andy” Mroczek’s social media feeds on August 5th. Mroczek, who also happens to be a major opponent of legislation protecting children from sexualized material and discussions, had a social media feed full of nude men. Many of the photographs on his feed displayed either a naked penis or buttocks. Several other pictures displayed men in tight underwear with their genitalia clearly visible through the fabric. Several of the captions of those photographs describe graphic sexual acts as well.

Mroczek has claimed the social media feed is not his. However, it existed for years prior RNM writing a story about it. The feed also includes posts that are similar to several other social media accounts under his control. The feed also included many posts regarding PHM and the Penn High School Marching Band. Further, the social media account was deleted within hours following RNM’s story. Subscribers can see redacted screenshots from his feeds below.

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This comes only days after an attorney for Mroczek demanded RNM take down the story regarding the coach’s obscene social media account. An attorney for RNM responded to the request with the following response.

“I am doubtful my client will agree to remove the story.” An attorney for RNM responded.  “Your client’s request to remove a story is not the first request of this sort that my client has received. Many people find it off-putting to have their personal life thrust into the media, especially when their actions at home have ramifications on their employment.” 

“I have reviewed the article and it seems to strongly support the fact that your client was responsible for posting the content, despite his contention that he was unaware of the account.” RNM’s attorney continued. “As you know, truth is the ultimate defense to defamation. Even though I do not yet have authority from my client, I assume I am safe to offer the same olive branch that has been offered in similar cases. If your client is willing to provide my tech expert with all of his electronic devices (computers, tablets, phones, etc) for forensic review, and such review determines that your client did not in-fact control those feeds, my client will likely agree to take down the article. However, if such an agreement is reached and my client bears the expense of doing such a review, RNM will reserve the right to publish any newsworthy information found on the devices. As you know, should suit be filed, this information will be available in discovery.”

RNM stands by everything in the story and invites a lawsuit by Mr. Mroczek. We look forward to the discovery process.

Subscribers can view the entire email chain between the attorneys below.

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