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Elkhart Schools’ Administrator fights to keep porn in school libraries, adds additional content to elementary schools

Tara White, Director of Literacy, Elkhart Community Schools

ELKHART, Ind. — REAL News Michiana has discovered the Director of Literacy at Elkhart Community Schools is working overtime to ensure pornographic, disturbing and controversial material is available to children as young as 5-years-old in school libraries. RNM discovered the push being made by Director of Literacy Tara White through an email obtained by our news organization and further investigation into what books are currently being provided to children in Elkhart Elementary Schools.


It turns out, several books regarding communism, transgenderism, sex and the LGBTQ agenda were added to Elkhart elementary school libraries earlier this year. Below is a short list of those recently added books that are currently available to children as young as 5-years-old.

Sylvia and Marsha Start a Revolution! — Ages 4-8 — A story about transgender women of color which, according to Amazon, “introduces children to issues surrounding gender identity and diversity, accompanied by a reading guide and teaching materials to further the conversation.” That reading guide prompts children to choose their own pronouns and names and helps them down the path of political, marxist activism.

Julian is a Mermaid — Ages 2-6 — A story that introduces children as young as 2 to the world of Drag. The front cover of the book features a young boy dressed as a female.

Ana on the Edge — Ages 8-12 — A story about a non-binary 12-year-old.

The Fabulous Zed Watson — Ages 8-12 — A story about a transgender child who is often “misgendered.”

The Insiders — Ages 8-12 — A story about a gay child.

Hurricane Child — Ages 8-12 — A story about a little girl who falls in love with another little girl.


In an email on January 23rd, Director of Literacy Tara White defended the sexual books currently available to children as young as 5-years-old at Elkhart Community Schools. White is responsible for deciding what gets added to the libraries in the first place.

“Let me first assure you that by the state’s definition we do not have anything in our libraries that would be considered pornography.” White stated in her email to administrators. “However, there may still be parents or stakeholders who object to books we have in our schools. If you are faced with a parent who has an issue with a book or resource, please remember these guidelines in working with parents on these issues. I have also included a few slides here that we use for intellectual freedom training that reference current case law concerning book challenges. As you will see in these case law slides and as our ECS guidelines reflect, a book that has been challenged MUST remain on the shelf until the Reconsideration Committee has completed its process and made a decision. We open ourselves up to a greater liability by removing books preemptively or self-censoring our collections versus letting the board-approved process play out through reconsideration procedures we have in place.”

You can see her email and the supporting attachments below.

The email also lambasts an Elkhart Board of County Commissioners resolution concerning pornography in school libraries.

“This resolution is NON-BINDING, meaning that it has no legal enforcement measures, but I am sure that the press coverage and social media buzz around this resolution may bring more questions from parents about resources in our school libraries.” She stated.

Despite the resolution, the books previously mentioned in this story were added to the Elementary school libraries after the Commissioners’ decision.

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